From Working Space to Theatre Space:
the user perspective

(DIST) Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning
The Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (DIST) is a leading joint structure of Politecnico and Università di Torino working in the cultural area of territorial transformation and government of territorial processes analysed in their physical, economic, social, political, cultural aspects and their inter-relationships, in a sustainable perspective, from global to local scale.
DIST promotes, coordinates and manages basic and applied research, training, and technology transfer and services to the territory, particularly focused on the sciences and the urban and regional policies and on territorial, urban and environmental-landscape, project and planning.
Moreover, DIST research areas include:
# analysis, planning and government of the territorial context;
# urban planning and policies for sustainable development of the urban and rural areas;
# diagnostic and management of cultural, architectural and landscape heritage;
# human, economic and political geography;
# urban and environmental sociology and media;
# methods and techniques of survey and representation at urban and territorial scales;
# history and conservation of the architecture of the city and its territory;
# transport and logistics planning;
# technical and economic feasibility of urban plans and projects.
DIST encourages interdisciplinary activities focused on the enhancement of interactions among researchers coming from different cultural areas. DIST supports research activities linked to its scientific subjects and promotes relations with other sectors. DIST strongly promotes the participation to local, national, European and international research programmes.
Host Institute