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Geesteswetenschappen op de planken:

​alle boeken die de geesteswetenschappers het afgelopen jaar hebben gepubliceerd.

In samenwerking met de Faculteit Geesteswetenschappen_Universiteit van Amsterdam


location: Amsterdam 

language: Dutch

Review in Boekman #111 on [RE]FRAME

A review on [RE}FRAME published in the Boekman theme issue: "Kunst en de publieke ruimte".

language: Dutch

Click here to download the review


[RE]FRAME mentioned in Newsletter TAO (Transmitting Architecture Organ) #11.

language: Italian

link: TAO NEWS

Guest lecture

Guest Lecture [RE]Frame. A participatory and interdisciplinary design process in the Course Collective/Connective. Participatory programming and redesigning public space, part of the  Master's programme Architecture, Academy of Architecture, Groningen.

Presentation of interdisciplinary and participatory design lab [RE]FRAME.

language: Dutch

[RE]FRAME_AIPAI Newsletter

language: Italian

link: AIPAI

Review by ArcheologiaIndustriale on [RE]FRAME

“[RE]FRAME. Ripensare la fabbrica”. Studio sul riuso del patrimonio industriale in luogo per lo spettacolo.

language: Italian


News Item NWO (De Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek) on [RE]FRAME

NWO publishes a news item about the book [RE]FRAME on their website: 

‘Gebruik collectief geheugen theaterbezoekers voor herbestemming leegstaand fabrieksgebouw’

language: Dutch

Go to the NWO News Item

Guest lecture

Guest Lecture User`s experiences with the theatrical stage of transformed industrial heritage sites in the Course Audience and Visitors research, part of the  Master's programme Arts and Cultural Studies, University of Amsterdam.

Presentation of From Working Space to theatre space: the user perspective and design lab [RE]FRAME.

language: English

Exhibition [RE]FRAME

The exhibition [RE]FRAME  takes also place from July 11st till July 16th at the Sala delle Colonne, Polytechnic University of Turin. During this event people can book a copy of the publication [RE]FRAME.

Go to the Exhibitions / Presentations page

The exhibition [RE]FRAME shows the results of the design lab [RE]FRAME.


The opening of the exhibition takes place at the Unione Culturale Franco Antonicelli, Via Cesare Battisti 4, Turin. At this event we will also launch the digital version of the publication [RE]FRAME. 

              18.30 Exhibition opening

              20.00 Appetizer

              21.00 Book launch

The exhibition will continue between the 11th and 16th of July 2016 at the Sala delle Colonne, Castello del Valentino

Go to the Exhibitions / Presentations page

Kick-off [RE]FRAME Workshop

The implications of the theoretical insights and empirical results of this study for design strategies, are tested in a design lab with young architects. The participants of the design lab will explore the design possibilities for the conversion of an abandoned carpet factory that is a typical example of industrial architecture in the area, to a theatre venue. Thereby the participants will make use of the theoretical framework part of the research as well as the results of the audience research.


click here for more details

language: Italian

CHIME(Cultural Heritage and Improvised Music in European Festivals) Meeting_Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Position Paper Presentation The (Re-)use of Cultural Heritage Sites: The concept of Memory in Visitors’ Experience at the Cultural Heritage and Improvised Music in European Festivals (CHIME) Research Meeting, University of Amsterdam in collaboration with the Conservatory of Amsterdam, Conservatory of Amsterdam.


click here for a short version of the paper


language: English

Guest lecture

Guest Lecture Herbestemming van industrieel erfgoed voor de podiumkunsten: het publieksperspectief in the Course "Publieksonderzoek in kunst en cultuur", part of the  Master's programme Arts and Cultural Studies, University of Amsterdam.


confererence call 

language: Dutch

A group of Master students in "Heritage Studies" from the University of Amsterdam will visit the site of the Ex Fonderie Limone, which has been transformed into a space for contemporary theatre. During a tour at the complex, guided by the Teatro Stabile di Torino, the research From Working Space to Theatre Space will be presented.

Language: Dutch

Workshop_University of Amsterdam

Project presentation at the workshop Audience and Reception Studies: "Current trends in audience and reception research: back to the aesthetic experience". ASCA, University of Amsterdam, in collaboration with Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication, Aarhus University, Dept. of Theatre Studies, University of Amsterdam.


conference call

language: English

Launch of our Website

Launch of the website From Working Space to Theatre Space.You can find and following us by clicking:

Language: English

NewDist_Politecnico di Torino

Article on the project From Working Space to Theatre Space in NewDist magazine.Politecnico di Torino.

language: Italian

ESSCS_Bochum, Germany

Paper presentation Re-signifying Local Heritages in the Found  Spaces of Turin`s Post-Industrial Landscape at the Panel Memory and Space, European Summer School in Cultural Studies "Experiencing Space-Spacing Experience" in cooperation with Ruhr Triennale 2013, Dampfgeblasehaus, Bochum.

language: English

FIRT-IFTR Conference_Barcelona, Spain

Paper presentation Re-routing the Industrial Heritage_La Fabbrica del Teatro at the Theatre Architecture Working Group, International Federation for Theatre Research. Annual Conference "Re-routing Performance", Institut del Teatre, Barcelona.

Language: English

From Working Space to Theatre Space_Awarded Rubicon Grant

The Research Project From Working Space to Theatre Space is a winning post-doc project within the Rubicon programme. This programme, financed by NWO (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research), allows talented researchers who have recently completed their doctorates to gain experience at a foreign top institute. This is an important step up in a scientific career.

Language: English

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